Browse Tinder Without Signing Up

  1. Browse Tinder Without Signing Up As A
  2. Can I Search Tinder Without Signing Up


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At A Glance

Bumble is a revolutionary app founded by WhitneyWolfe Herd—the principal co-founder of Tinder. The app uses the same swipingprinciple as Tinder but focuses on keeping the women in the driver’s seat. Thisapp gives women the chance to make the first move, hence seen as a women-friendlyapp. Since its launch in 2014, the app has gained more than 12.5 millionmembers.

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  2. Online dating sites help men and women from all walks of life find love, regardless of location, but the technology is not without its dangers.

Tinder is one of the most popular dating apps. Theapp has managed to pull a massive user pool and bagging millions of users.Since 2012, when it was founded, Tinder has been the reason for manyrelationships across the world. The site allows users to find lovers,friendship, marriage partners, and eternal love. It is currently available inover 190 countries and incorporates over 34 languages. The site welcomes allsinges from all ages looking for hookups and casual dating.

How to Choose a DatingSite

Choosing adating site can either be straightforward or a total challenge and frustration.Why?

Because youare either looking to use a free or paid dating site. Well, that means yoursearch will narrow down to either side. But what if you find three or four gooddating sites that meet your needs?

This iswhere it gets tricky, and the same reason you need to read this article.Whether you are looking for a marriage partner, a one-night stand, or a partnerfor a long-term relationship, there are millions of dating sites that offer youprecisely that. But how do you tell which one is safe, user-friendly, and matchoriented?

Firstly,you have to identify what you really want from the dating site. The next stepis establishing whether the site has all that you are looking for. Once youhave all that figured out, it is time to compare and contrast the sites.

I had thechance to compare some of the world's largest dating sites, plus a fascinatingfact that they were founded by one person. Isn't that interesting? Very!

Bumble focuses on women. Therefore, if you are aheterosexual male looking to join this site, you have to come to terms with thefact that you cannot initiate the first contact but wait until a lady makes amove. So if you have great icebreakers and excellent pick-up lines in yourarsenal, you may not get the chance to use them. Another crucial point to takehome is that women only have 24 hours to initiate contact once a man showsinterest, so if a woman you liked doesn't send you a message within 24 hours,then the match is lost.

The searchcriteria for this site is rather basic, with very limited information aboutyour matches. If you are searching for a site with individual principles like'a 33-year old female brunette, with two kids”, try that somewhere else.Well, the only way out with Bumble, particularly for males, is to ensure thatyou are incredibly handsome—your picture will do the matching for you—and thenhave some little patience. It feels rather significant to be pursued than beingthe pursuer every time, and Bumble makes this possible.

Tinder, on the other hand, is for singles interestedin casual dating. In fact, you can find any type of relationship you want here.The app is usually crowded with millions of people logging in every day. Inmost cases, Tinder is the majority's favorite. It is also easy to use, and any45year old can operate. You can choose to either stay on a free package or paythe Tinder gold.

Themajority of users live in urban areas. So, if you do not live around a largecity, finding your match may take longer. There is also a restriction for freemembers. You are only allowed to swipe right on 100 profiles a day. Thepayments on Tinder are also age-based. Thus, if you are past 35 years, you mayneed to dig deeper into your pockets. For instance, millennials below 30 yearswill pay $9 while seniors aged above 30 pay $19 or more for better perks.


One of themost critical things to check before signing up on a dating site is itsavailability. Of course, the site must be available in your country and area,but if you are a travel enthusiast, it may get tricky. You may also wish to usethe sites in the countries you travel to and find dates there instead. This isbecause the location dramatically affects your chances of getting a date. LikeI already mentioned, the vast majority of Tinder members reside near or in bigcities. You don’t want to set up a meeting with someone who is 1000 miles awaywhile you can find one in the next neighborhood.

Bumbleserves almost all western countries and currently boasts over 55 million userssince its launch in 2014. Its main areas of service include the United Kingdom,Australia, United States, and Canada. Tinder is a popular site, is available inover 190 countries and in 34 languages. That means that there are plenty ofmatches just waiting to be found. If youenjoy traveling, Tinder might just be the dating site for you.

Andneedless to say, Tinder takes the trophy.

Winner: Tinder


When itcomes to popularity, it all boils down to the number of countries the sitecovers. Popular sites like Tinder tend to cover many countries. Tinder isextremely popular. It receives more than 50 million visits per month. Well, thefigure is just an estimate, because many researchers claim that it could bemore than that. Bumble is also quite popular. The site has about 11,000 users weekly and receives over 900,000 visitsper month worldwide. Not so bad for a 5-year-old site.

Despite thefact that this app puts women in control, the number of men and women remainssurprisingly equal. That is to mean that this 'women being incontrol' doesn't affect the number of visits or the membership. It is believed that the site’s main agenda ismost probably to hook up women and men looking for casual hookups and dates.Tinder, on the other hand, allows any type of relationship, and there is reallynot much about who contacts who. And dueto its broad coverage and freedom, the site sweeps most users, and that's howit grows popular.

So, thereisn’t much choice as far as Bumble and Tinder’s popularity is concerned. Tinderis way too popular than its sister Bumble.

Tindertakes the trophy once again!

Winner: Tinder

Sign-up Process

The sign-up process matters most as itdetermines how secure your data is on these sites. A rigorous and strenuous sign-upprocess indicates privacy and a high level of security. However, that doesn’tmean that sites with a smooth and comfortable sign up process aren't safe. Infact, most of the substantial popular sites have a very straightforward processto allow both young and older generations to access and use the appscomfortably.

Forinstance, Tinder has very smooth signup the process due to its broad coverage.You don't have to waste your precious time verifying every step you make. It isvery safe to note that you cannot use more than 20 minutes signing up on Tinderirrespective of the service you use. Twenty minutes is for the slowest personever.

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Both appsallow or require you to sign up using Facebook. Initially, Bumble only allowedmembers to sign up using Facebook, but after receiving too many complaints fromfrustrated 'would be' members, the company decided to make the Facebook sign upa choice. When you sign up with Facebook, you literally do not need to provideany further information as the site automatically picks all the details fromFacebook.

Both sitesdo not request too much information, and you can trust that your data is safewhen you sign up with them.

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While bothsites seem to be fast when signing in, I am tempted to announce it as a tie,but in truth, Tinder is faster, smooth, and easy to navigate through.

So, Tindertakes the lead the third round in a row. This isn’t good news for the littlesister Bumble.

Winner: Tinder


Another crucial detail to focus on whenchoosing a dating site is the features that each app offers. One important tipto remember and always keep in mind is that older sites are most likely to havepoor features than newer apps regardless of the updates.

New appscome in customizable styles and are always equipped with the latest tech. Thereisn’t much difference when it comes to what Tinder and Bumble showcase sincethey were both founded by the same person. But there are several distinct featuresthat separate the two.

Bumbleseems to look more vibrant, while Tinder offers quality only to thedeserved—premium users get premium services, including great features to helpthem find a perfect match. Well, it can be annoying to use an app that restrictsalmost everything and keeps requesting you to upgrade to premium. Nevertheless,the features are there.

WithBumble, sending messages to other people is free for all. However, users areonly given suggested matches based on their preferences. There is no searchoption, but there exists a chatroom.

No matterhow much I want to announce Bumble as the winner, the statistics are still noton its side. Tinder has better features, whether free or paid. They just doexist and are better compared to Bumble.

Tinderstill keeps it 4:0

Winner: Tinder

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Quality of Matches

Well, wellwell… finally, some light at the end of the tunnel for Bumble! It's not a 4:0anymore!

When wecome to the quality of matches, there isn't too much argument about it. Qualitymatches are only on Bumble. That does not mean that members on Tinder arejokers or scammers. There are plenty of legit profiles looking for seriousmatches. It is the vast crowd that spoils all the fun. The younger batch onTinder isn't serious on commitments. Very few are looking for seriousrelationships. When caught up with such matches, you are likely to getfrustrated and wasted, particularly if you are searching for someone to settledown with. Not that there is anything wrong with one-night stands or good timerelationships, but in truth, these aren’t the quality of matches we are talkingabout.

Due to itspopularity and massive user pool, Tinder has many jokers who joined for the funof it. It may take you some patience, time, energy, and sometimes resources toget a perfect match here. If you do not entertain strangers crowding your inboxwith “hi” and “hello, “keep off this site altogether.

Bumble, onthe other end, is for mature individuals looking for hookups and relationships.Women initiate contact which means that she can only contact the people she isinterested in and men can do nothing about it. These are the people who arewilling to go the extra mile, meet, and get a thing going. If you are lookingfor long term commitment or marriage, Bumble is the site to go for

So, Bumblefinally leads this time! Impressive.

Winner: Bumble

Aesthetics and Interface

Both Bumbleand Tinder are apps. They both have easy to use interfaces and cleanaesthetics, but Bumble seems a bit smoother to navigate, probably because ithas fewer features. The responsiveness is excellent in both, and notificationsare prompt. Tinder will send you a notification every time it finds a mutualmatch. Bumble will also send you suggestion matches every time there is someonewho matches your references.

WithBumble, you can see other people’s profile pictures without having to pay, andall profile information is public by default except that profiles are poorlydetailed, but they can be edited later. The site only requires gender,education, and occupation. This isn’t really enough information to help youmake a solid decision but to know whether you are interested in a person ornot. Unless the only thing you are interested most with is the looks.

Bumbleseems to have too many “nays.” So, just like that, it loses the ball, andTinder shines again.

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Claps!Claps! for Tinder.

Winner: Tinder


Like manyother dating sites, Bumble and Tinder aren’t entirely free—at least not whenyou want to get those premium services that will help you get your match muchfaster. These paid features are usually too captivating and irresistible. Whileboth sites seem to be like-minded when it comes to business and pricing inparticular.

Tinder plusrequires you to pay $9.99 per month for young people below 30 years. Theseniors pay a much higher fee of $19.99 per month. There is also a Gold planmembership package with additional perks that goes for $29 per month.


Bumbleseems more expensive because they charge about $8.99/week and $24.99/month. Ifyou pay more than three months subscription, the price is discounted.

With thatsaid, Tinder is on the lead yet again

Winner: Tinder

Who Is It For?

Dating sites are meant to help singles findpartners online. Most dating sites allowall forms of relationships, while others stick to specific terms. Bumble isespecially for women and men looking for commitments and long-termrelationships with women taking the wheel. Bumble believes that for a woman totake the initiative to contact you, it is very easy to get things moving andout of the app. According to founders, about 60% of the total matches result inconversations.

Tinder, onthe other end, is for those committed to nights full of fun, not necessarilywith the same partner. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t serious matches onTinder. The problem comes in when there are too many to choose from. Everyone canfind love on Tinder. It all depends on an individual’s preference.

Since bothapps offer the people what they’re looking for, there isn’t more tocompare. Well, it’s hard to decide whowins due to the mere fact that both apps satisfy their users.

Therefore,I would gladly give this one a tie.

Winner: tie

And The Winner Is…

Trophy orno trophy, we have a winner! …and the winner is (hurray) Tinder.

This isn’t news for anyone who has beenreading on and counting the marks. Tinder is popular. It is available in mostcountries, hence the multi diversity.

The app iseasy to use and has many fantastic features. With Tinder, you can findvirtually everything you want—and it doesn’t need to take long because thereare huge crowds waiting to be the match.

Bumble is agreat site too. It empowers women because the logic behind allowing women tomake the first move ensures that they’re protected from receiving unwantedattention. However, women are not equipped with enough information to help themmake reliable, educated decisions.

With theapp’s limited user information, it is impossible to tell genuine members fromthe fake ones or trust what is on the profiles.

For maleslooking for long term relationship, the app may be of great help. However, youwill need to be patient and wait for your matches to contact you.

Browse Tinder Without Signing Up As A

But…if youare looking for an online dating site that allows both women and men toconverse freely without limiting conditions and deadlines; Tinder is theanswer.

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Can I Search Tinder Without Signing Up

How does Tinder Work?

Tinder is a dating platform where people from all over the world can connect, socialize, and meet like-minded strangers. It allows users to take part in conversations and look for possible partners - all with a swipe of your finger. Tinder is an innovative platform that has helped many people get in touch and connect with others. However, Tinder comes with its own limitations.
Imagine: you’re swiping profiles left and right, mindlessly browsing and quickly looking at profiles. Then, you realize you accidentally swiped left on someone you find attractive! What do you do? Tinder doesn’t let you search for specific users, so you might as well say goodbye to that attractive user forever.
And because Tinder doesn’t let you search users by their name, you have no way of knowing if, say, your crush IRL is on the app. Are you curious if your friends (or even your partner) are using Tinder? You won’t be able to know just by using the app, too.

Why do you need

These dilemmas are precisely what is looking to solve. makes it super easy to find a specific profile - no more endless swiping and regretting! It allows you to find people based on their name, email address, university name, or common interest if they’ve added those details in their bios.
You might have friends who claim to not be on Tinder. But if you’re curious whether they’re actually telling the truth, enter their name on to check!
On top of this, has a spy feature that lets you ‘bookmark’ a specific user. This will make it easier for you to track their profile changes even if they’re not a Tinder match.

Getting started - How to Search Friends on Tinder

The process is very simple! All you need to do is type in your search information. Once you hit enter, you’ll be taken to our new site to finish the search form, takes 1 minute or less. Enter location and make a payment. Enter the rest of the information on the fields, press enter, and get searching!