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How does Bumble work?

8 points 1 year ago. My first and only bumble date was terrible he wanted me to pick up him and his friends (I am not an uber) and then they started doing coke in my car. I dropped them off at a hotel walked inside with them to some party and then said I had to get my phone from the car and bolted. While there’s no algorithm to guarantee a date IRL, we do have a few recommendations to help make it a little easier. Instead of going bold and asking for a date outright, start small by chatting back and forth for a few days — or weeks! — is a low-key way to get a little more personal without getting too intimate, too soon. The majority of Bumble members – 30% of the 90 million user member base belong to the 25-34 age category. The percentage of users aged 18-24 years old is a little bit less – 25%. People aged 35-44 years old take the 20% share of the user base. Fourth place belongs to the 45-54 age range with ten percent.

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(Plus Our Most Game-Changing Bumble Tips)

How to Use Bumble

First of all, Bumble is a dating app, not a website. So you’re going to have to access it on your phone. You can do that by tapping on your app store icon (“App Store” on iPhone or “Google Play” on Android).

Once you’re in the app store, search for “Bumble.”

Download the app, open it up, then make a new account by linking Facebook or your phone number.

How Bumble Profiles Work

See the image above for an example of what a Bumble profile looks like.

If you sign up with Facebook, Bumble automatically pulls your first name, age, occupation, and/or university. You can change these by editing your profile. Bumble automatically detects your location.

Users can upload a max of 6 profile photos, which potential dates scroll through by swiping up. After swiping up enough times that all the photos are gone, a short text bio appears.

Note that someone can swipe left (to pass) or right (to like) your profile at any point in this process.

How Messaging On Bumble Works

Bumble shows you profiles, and you swipe left (to pass) or swipe right (to like) them. (Same as on Tinder.)

If you and someone else both swipe right on each other, you match.

When you get matches, they show up like this (see screenshot above), with any started conversations underneath.

The next step depends on your gender or sexual orientation.

If matches are same-sex, either person can start a conversation. So Bumble works for gay guys and girls just like any other dating app.

For heterosexual couples, however, only the woman can make the first move by sending a message. And if she doesn’t send a message within 24 hours after matching, the connection disappears. (Guys see/know that the woman swiped right back because there is a new match, but they’re not allowed to reach out first.)

There are no limitations on who can message first for Bumble BFF and Bumble Bizz (Bumble’s friend-finding and business networking modes).

How the Bumble Algorithm Works

The Bumble algorithm works really simple.

The most popular profiles in your city are always first in the swiping queue, along with any people who have already swiped-right on you. As you swipe and swipe, you’ll get into the people who are less popular or perhaps new to the app. People are shown no matter if they’re still active in the app or not.

Perhaps the most important thing to know about the Bumble algorithm: if you swipe-right on everyone, your profile will be shown waaaay less to other users. So be patient and show some selectivity.

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Top 3 Bumble Tips for Women

1. Be alone in your first photo

If you’re not, men are going to assume that you’re the least attractive in the group. Or worse — they could be eyeing a friend of yours.

2. Include your physique

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As compared to women, most men have a relatively fixed range of body types that they’re attracted to. All it takes is one full-body photo to save you both time and energy.

3. End first messages with a question

It’s up to you to start the conversation. You get to set the tone. So set a good one! Forget about “hey,” “hi,” or “what’s up.”

First messages that end with a specific question (e.g. “I love the pic of your dog! How long have you had him?”) create easy, flowing conversation right away.

Top 3 Bumble Tips for Men

1. Get her talking about herself

When a woman messages you, don’t just answer her questions — ask her questions back. This is the difference between an easy conversation and a hard one.

2. Close dates with this line

“Hey, would you be down to grab coffee/a drink/lunch sometime?” Boom.

3. Test your pics on Photofeeler to find your best

I’ll just say it: most straight men are horrible at picking photos of themselves. This is good news for you, however, because fixing this mistake will put you ahead of the competition.

Fixing your pictures can easily make the difference between getting 0 matches vs. more matches than you can handle.

So before you waste potential matches on Bumble, be sure to run yours through women your age on Photofeeler.

Photofeeler tells you exactly how you’re coming across in pics (do you look attractive, smart, trustworthy, fun, confident, etc.?) You can even get specific written feedback.

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Go to Photofeeler.com now and give it a try!

You’ve made a match and think you’re ready to move things offline, but how do you make a smooth transition? Fostering a budding relationship is a two-way street. Both parties need to feel safe, confident, and enthusiastic about where you’re going. While there’s no algorithm to guarantee a date IRL, we do have a few recommendations to help make it a little easier.

Start small

Instead of going bold and asking for a date outright, start small by chatting back and forth for a few days — or weeks! — is a low-key way to get a little more personal without getting too intimate, too soon. If your match would rather keep it on Bumble for the time being rather than giving you their phone number, respect their decision and keep getting to know them before initiating anything further off the app.

Move past casual banter

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Begin building trust by having conversations that require a bit more openness. This isn’t to say you should overshare, but by bringing up topics that speak to your values (think: family, etc.), your match will get to know you on a deeper level. If he or she follows suit, this may be a sign that your match is getting comfortable with you.

You might also like: Move from BFF Match to Meet-Up

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Make each other real

Another surefire way to create a sense of safety is to ask your match if they’d like to talk on the phone or FaceTime before meeting in the wild. You’ll be amazed how much more approachable someone seems after hearing their voice or seeing their facial expressions. Another added benefit? Both of you are likely to feel a lot less anxious when you physically meet for the first time.

Provide options

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Once you’re confident that your match shares your romantic interest, it’s time to take the plunge! Suggest a few first dates that are tailored to your match’s interests. Then have them make the final call on where you go and when. You’ll show your thoughtfulness and can rest assured you’re meeting up for a date that your match is going to enjoy.

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Above all, remember that some people like to move slower than others, and never pressure someone to do something they’re not ready for. Now get out there and make a move!

The Next Step: 7 steps to a Worry-Free First Date