Gamer Dating App Reddit

“Describe yourself in one emoji. I'll go first: 💅”

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Check out Girl Gamer Dating. LFGdating stands for “Looking for Group” dating and offers a premium online dating experience that’s 100% free. The site claims to be the #1 dating. 7y Builder Club and Gameapp Maker Co. I would not recommend dating anyone in 'gamer-y' circles. People who actively identify as gamers tend to be a different and scarier demographic than people who simply like playing video games.

Coming up with the first message you send a new dating app match isn’t easy. That first message sets the tone for your conversation, and if the best opener you can come up with is, “Hey,” then chances are things are going to go downhill fast. Of course, when you've never met someone before and don't already know their tastes and opinions, making convo can be a little challenging, which is where dating app icebreakers come in handy. When you start your dating app convo off with a clever question or quip, then your match is far more likely to respond than if you hit them with, “Hey.”

EHarmony is the #1 dating site and app of 2021 as ranked by our dating experts. Sign up for a free account, and get your personality evaluated by a system that incorporates scientific methods. Register for Free. Gamers are also used to tinkering with their tech. Just like the dating app Hinge allows you to confirm the identities of strangers via mutual contacts, Down does the same. Top Reddit mods, professional ticklers, video game archaeologists. Don’t worry about wading through the app store, trying to find the best. We’ve narrowed down the search and found the best adult apps to use. Adult Apps for Online Dating. #1 App for Android NSFW Gaming – Tinder. #2 App for Android NSFW Gaming – Grindr. #3 App for Android NSFW Gaming – Down Dating. Adult Apps for Couples.


As professional dating profile writer Eric Resnick previously told Elite Daily, swiping on dating apps is all about volume, so you want to use dating app opening lines that leave a lasting impression. Otherwise, you’ll quickly be forgotten in a sea of matches. “The best move is to ask them a question about something in their profile,” Resnick said. “First messages should be questions that can’t be answered in a yes or no.” That way, the convo will always have somewhere to go.

Gamer Dating App Reddit

Even if you're feeling awkward about sending that first message, these dating app openers are perfect for breaking the ice and catching your match’s attention.

Dating For Gamers

  • Your dog is amazingly cute. What's their name? (You're also not bad looking yourself, BTW.)
  • What's the strangest nickname you've ever been given and how did you earn it?
  • What fictional friend group would you like to join?
  • Important question: What do you think is the best way to prepare for a zombie apocalypse?
  • Describe yourself in one emoji. I’ll go first: 💅
  • If you had to pick only one music artist to listen to for the rest of your life, who would you pick?
  • What kind of trouble are you going to get up to this weekend?
  • Rank the three worst movies of all time. Go!
  • How do you take your coffee?
  • What would be your dream job if money didn't matter?
  • So I see that you're a Yankees fan. Would the fact that I root for the Red Sox keep you from talking to me?
  • Dogs or cats? And yes, there is a right answer.
  • If you could switch lives with one person for a day, who would it be?
  • If your life had a theme song, what would it be?
  • It looks like you’re a Harry Potter fan. Which Hogwarts house would the Sorting Hat most likely put you in?
  • What advice would you give your 18-year-old self?
  • What actor would you pick to play you in a biopic?
  • What's your grossest hidden talent? Don’t be shy.
  • Where was that third pic in your profile taken? It looks beautiful there!
  • What do you consider the worst smell in the world and why?
  • What's one thing that never fails to make you cringe?
  • What was your first-ever email address or screen name? If you tell me yours, I promise to tell you mine.
  • If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would you pick and what would you ask them?
  • What part of a kids' movie scarred you for life?
  • Where was the first place you drove after getting your driver's license?
  • What have you ever chickened out of doing that you'd like to do now?
  • How long do you think you would last in the Hunger Games?
  • Which Marvel superhero would you be if you could choose?
  • What is the coolest place you've ever visited?
  • What’s the worst opening line you’ve ever gotten on a dating app? (And I really hope it isn’t this one.)

Whether you make a simple joke or offer a thoughtful question, your match will be grateful you made that first move.


Eric Resnick, professional dating profile writer

Editor's Note: This story has been updated by Elite Daily Staff.

If you are a proud prowler of the online dating word, chances are high you’ve encountered a promising partner who self-identified himself or herself as a ‘gamer’. But don’t be so hasty in your judgement! Just because someone chooses video games as their hobby, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are less romantic. It’s the opposite, to be frank. Gamer boys and girls can be passionate lovers if you are willing to give them a chance. Who knows, maybe they will help you discover the gamer inside you as well!

Your Relationship Just Leveled Up!

Gamers come in many flavors, but there are several attractive personality traits most of them share. For example, they are the kind who are willing to fight for a prize – in this case you – and put considerate amount of energy into achieving their goals. They are conditioned not to give up and keep on trying, which is an invaluable characteristic when it comes to relationships. Although gamers are often satirized as rude and childish, actually they can have a big heart, not to mention an incredible sense of humor.

Gamers are also used to tinkering with their tech, or at least know which forum to visit for an answer. People who have gaming as a hobby are proven to be good at focusing and at multi-tasking too. In addition, gamer guys or girls aren’t typically boozy types; they won’t leave you without a word in favor of a wild party (unless it’s BlizzCon). Oh, and they have very nimble fingers, if you know what we mean…

Living With a Gamer

Every relationship has its unspoken minefields one should keep away from. In case you are dating a gamer or your partner proudly declares themselves as one, then this is a clear indication that you should avoid the following things.

First of all, gaming is all about immersion. When your sweetheart is playing, they can’t divide their attention onto new issues. Don’t nag them while they are sitting in front of the screen, wait until they are finished. Everything you say during a tense League of Leagues match would either completely bounce off from them or, worse still, distract them and cause them to lose the game.

Gamer Dating App Reddit

In terms of fashion, give up on the idea of them dressing for the latest trends. Gamers prefer clothes that reflect their sub-culture, depicting their beloved characters in a cool or edgy manner.

Handling a Gamer Boyfriend/Girlfriend

Video game players show a fondness for sharing stories about their current obsession. Don’t hesitate to jump into co-op mode if they offer. They would surely appreciate the notion and it would only deepen your bond. Just keep in mind that actually beating them at their own game will most likely trigger a tantrum…

Giving a gift is both easy and challenging, however. Obviously, they will want something gaming-related, but guessing which franchise is currently hot will prove to be a nightmare for a non-gamer. And don’t even think about giving an Xbox Live gift card to a Sony fan, that’s enough to force the relationship to an end! On the other hand, custom t-shirts and physical merchandise – a replica sword from Zelda, a miniature Gordon Freeman figure or a framed Halo poster as just some examples – will undoubtedly melt your loved one’s heart.

Gamer Dating App

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