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The Dangerous
Myth of Attraction

What’s Really Preventing You From Closing the Deal and Getting More Women Back to Your Bedroom…

This unique and free app allows lonely travelers to satisfy their.

  • It’s not currently possible to see whether someone’s Facebook account is linked to Tinder, either. If you’re feeling paranoid, though, you can go to the Apps and Websites menu in your Facebook settings and change the Tinder app’s visibility to “Only me.” That way, if Tinder ever did decide to post, your privacy settings would.
  • Hinge’s detailed profiles offer better matches than Tinder. Hinge vs Tinder: Best app for hookups. The difference between Hinge or Tinder is mostly on the relationship types. Tinder is ideal for hookups or relationships that do not require serious commitments. Hinge caters to partners interested in lasting affairs.
  • Positives: Free and quick to download. Tinder has a lot of positive aspects to it that have made it one of the most popular dating applications around the world. It’s free to use most of the features of Tinder and it takes less than a minute to download. Compatible both with Apple and Google Smartphones.
  • Now, if you’re looking for someone you could realistically date and introduce to your friends and family, Bumble is probably the better bet. For starters, its gender numbers are much closer to.

So what is the dangerous myth of attraction preventing you from getting women out on dates, getting the kiss, closing the deal, and getting her back to your bedroom?
The dangerous myth is that: attraction is black or white

  • That a woman either wants you or she doesn’t
  • She’s attracted to you or she’s not
  • She would sleep with you or she wouldn’t

Now that’s NOT how attraction works.

Listen careful to what I’m about to say:
Attraction is NOT Black or White

This means that a woman’s opinion of you can change by the year, month, week, day…. Even by the hour…
Now this comes with good news and bad news…
Let’s start with the good news…
The good news is that even if you didn’t make a stellar first impression you can still win her over and get her wanting you…

  • Even if you’re not her “type” or she only sees you as a “friend”…
  • Even if you’ve sent her a horribly embarrassing text…
  • And even if she’s dating someone else and acts like you don’t even exist…

In a few minutes i’m going to teach you how three simple texts can change all that..
But first, I’ve got to give you some bad news…
Just because a girl has given you her number, told you to call her, or has even been out on a date with you… Does not automatically mean you will ever see her again….
When she handed you her number she did not sign a “social contract” agreeing to go out with you… It just means she was interested or attracted enough at the moment to give it to you…
Now, that interest and attraction is a good start…
Just don’t make the FATAL MISTAKE of thinking that once a woman gives you her number its game over: you win

Because The Game is actually just beginning….

How to use Tinder without Facebook (the simplest and only real way)

Want to use Tinder, but don’t want your grandma and your whole high school soccer team to know about it?

You’re in the right place! I’ll tell you everything you need to know to use Tinder without Facebook now.

First things first: If I sign up with Facebook, will my friends know I’m on Tinder?

No, as of right now, Tinder does not post to your Facebook timeline. It’s not currently possible to see whether someone’s Facebook account is linked to Tinder, either.

If you’re feeling paranoid, though, you can go to the Apps and Websites menu in your Facebook settings and change the Tinder app’s visibility to “Only me.” That way, if Tinder ever did decide to post, your privacy settings would prevent it.

Why does Tinder encourage linking Facebook?

Why does Tinder need Facebook at all?

Tinder pulls information from your Facebook account (like your name, age, and occupation) to create a ready-to-go dating profile that makes it easier to get up and running.

Can I use Tinder without Facebook?

Yes! For years, the only way to use Tinder was by signing up with Facebook. Now you can use Tinder by signing up with a phone number instead.

What if I can’t sign up using my phone number?

If you’re not seeing the option to join Tinder with a phone number and you want to avoid linking your personal Facebook, the only other known solution is as follows.

Step 1: Make a new, blank Facebook account.

Use your real first name only.

Step 2: Login to the new Facebook account on your phone.

Step 3: Sign up for Tinder using the new Facebook account.

Step 4: Give thanks that your ex and next-door neighbor know nothing of your dating app life. 🎊🎉🎈

Pretty simple, all things considered.

Hookup Apps Better Than Tinder

How to guarantee you’ll meet someone 😍😍😍 on Tinder

Choose your best pics using Photofeeler.

Find out which pics look the most trustworthy, smart, confident, and more.

Photofeeler has been shown to increase match rates (and match quality) significantly.

Hookup App Better Than Tinder

Go to now and give it a try!