Parship Sign Up

Angel took the time to help her, looking up the issues that have been ongoing, found the problem and corrected all of them. She says Angel took extra time to explain what caused the issue, to ensure it wouldn't happen again in the future. She says people like Angel are hard to. Parship is great if you are seeking a meaningful relationship in Ireland. Sign up Process. Users register by selecting their gender and the gender of their desired match. They also provide an email address and create a password. The next step is completing the PARSHIP Principle, which is a scientifically designed personality survey.

It can be hard to find someone special when you just moved to Switzerland. If you don’t want to be alone anymore and you are looking for ways to meet new people, dating sites can come in very handy. Online dating in Switzerland is developing at a rapid pace and it has become easier to meet singles who fit your profile. Finding the best dating sites in Switzerland can take up a lot of your time because most people don’t know where to start. Almost all dating sites in Switzerland offer different services and not every service that they offer is free of charge. There are some free dating websites that claim that they are specialize in Swiss online dating, but there are only a couple of websites worth your time. With our tips we will ensure that you sign-up for a dating site that fits your profile.

Dating in Switzerland

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Different dating websites

If you live in the bigger cities like Bern, Zurich, Geneva or Basel it is quite easy to find like-minded singles in your area. If you live outside these cities it can become more complicated, but no worries – that is why there are excellent online dating platforms. Through these online dating sites, you can filter out exactly what you want from a person. You can filter on age, sex, occupation or common interest for example. So, what is the best dating site in Switzerland? This question is hard to answer since everybody is looking for different things when it comes to dating. We have listed below the most reliable and trustworthy dating sites in Switzerland.

Overview dating sites in Switzerland


Elitepartner is a platform for higher educated singles. The majority of ElitePartners are academics that are looking for a special person with whom they can develop a happy relationship with. Elitepartner one of the biggest and most successful online dating platforms in Switzerland. Most singles on this website are 30 years and older. Due to the fact that ElitePartner has this huge range, you can find a partner that fits to your needs. Anonymity and maximum privacy are the cornerstones of ElitePartner and you can be sure your personal data is safe. All their profiles and hand-tested and selected. The only disadvantage is that you must pay if you want to write and read unlimited messages. It is, however, a good platform to start in the Swiss dating world.


Parship is the second largest online dating platform in Switzerland and expanding rapidly. Their strongpoints are that they care for security and anonymity. They ensure their customer that their personal data is secure which is very important. Often you will have to do a ‘personality’ test in the beginning to see what your interest are. In this way they can ensure that you will see singles on the platform that match your profile. It is important that this will be filled in honestly and therefore it is very important to store this data in a safe place. Parship is a platform for everybody. They have however a high rate of academics who use this platform. The platform is used by a huge community and you can read about success stories on their website.

Dating in Switzerland

There are a couple of things you need to keep in mind when dating Swiss people. The Swiss can be reserved and unapproachable at first. You will need to make more effort than in other countries, but it is surely not impossible to date the Swiss. You will need to push a bit harder, of course without being rude, but the Swiss need a bit of encouragement. You can suggest going on a date, but be sure to keep your distance and give the person room to say yes or no. Also, it is very common to share the cost for a date, so don’t be surprised if the person asks to split the bill 50/50. Unfortunately, being an expat in Switzerland is not as exotic as it can be in other countries. There are around 2 million expats in Switzerland. All in all, be yourself, be polite, be honest and you will get there. Good luck!

Parship prides in being a top online dating site not only in the UK but in Europe as well. The site benefits from having millions of users who are primarily looking for a serious relationship. Parship has defined itself as a professional site, and it seeks to be known as the go-to website for educated and affluent people between the ages of 28 and 55. The platform is ideal for professionals who know what truly matters in life and are interested in building long relationships and not just casual flings. Parship boasts of a 38% success rate.

Compatibility Test

Being a relationship-oriented site, Parship uses a unique compatibility test to evaluate the way a member is most likely to behave if they were in a relationship. The test was formulated by Hugo Schmale, a psychologist who has been researching on couples and relationships since the 1960s. He co-founded the site and was responsible for its scientific development. Your emotional health as you use the site is, therefore, in safe hands.

The test assesses a user’s lifestyle, personality, interests, and aspirations. Once a member has completed the test, they will receive profiles of recommended matches, and they can choose to initiate interactions with the matches or ignore them.

The relevance of these suggested matches relies on the accuracy with which you answer the personality questionnaire. You, therefore, need to take adequate time and care when answering the questions. The test matches users based on which members would statistically make a good couple.


Parship Sign Up

Registering for the site will take you 20 minutes or longer as you do the psychometric test. You can sign up for Parship as a free member, but you will have access to little features. You can still use the matchmaking system without several advanced features. Emails can’t be opened or sent although you can send ice breakers. You can scan the profiles of your matches, but their photos will be blurred.

Parship has both gold and silver memberships. As a gold member, you will access a range of features including priority support, blog, photographic journals, and Parship magazine. Parship’s premium memberships are available for various time lengths including 3, 6, or 12 months. The standard cost of the site’s membership starts from 14.90 pounds per month inclusive of VAT.


The website has a pleasing and intuitive interface, and you will find it easy to browse around. Parship allows for a flexible and personalised search feature. You can determine the criteria for your potential partner including physical characteristics such as height and age. You can additionally select the location of a partner across the UK and mainland Europe.


Parship has invested in mobile websites to facilitate mobile matchmaking. The mobile site is fitted with Parship’s important functions to enable you to review your matches and read and send messages on the go. Parship also has an iPhone App which further makes it more convenient to use the site’s features.


Parship Sign Up

Members of Parship are assigned a neutral ID number. Your address, name, and phone number are protected by the site’s systems. The website allows members to communicate through an anonymous messaging system and it is up to you to give out additional information including your phone number to another user. You can further to upload a photo and choose the members who view it. You can withhold the picture from a particular member.

Parship Sign Up Page

Parship implements various efforts to ensure that their member database does not include scammers and fraudsters. These efforts are not foolproof, however, and you need to be cautious when dealing with other users on the site.

Comparison with Other Dating Sites

Parship Sign Up Account

Parship is designed for serious people who are interested in more solid relationships than casual dating interactions. You will only be exposed to members who are compatible with your personality when you sign up for the site. Browsing through the site will however reveal that it is not all that is praised for being. Your capabilities as a free member are quite limited, and you will be therefore tempted to upgrade your membership to find more matches. You will, however, realize that there is no substantial difference between the free and the upgraded version. The site is not free from timewasters and scam artists, and this will become more obvious when you pay for a premium membership. Parship does not also guarantee that you will meet the love of your life with an upgraded plan and it does not score more than average in the online dating world. Your dating pursuits are better off with a more “serious” dating site.