Whites Only Dating App

The League isn’t for elitists. Ignore the fact that the dating app hosts a party for white people on Montauk, uses LinkedIn to filter out your inferiors, and can only be joined with a digital “ticket.” CEO Amanda Bradford says that doesn’t make her elitist, just “alpha.” There’s another word for that, Amanda!

Earlier this week, @Hashtag Roundup asked its followers to tweet the most depressing half-truths it had seen on dating apps using the hashtag #DatingProfileWhiteLies. Read the funniest tweets below. I don't live with my mother, she lives with me. — 💒🍁 Coconut Girl might be Sharon🎥📺🛀🐋🌴. White Label Dating Apps power 25,000 sites worldwide. Here’s the most innovative of all on a platter – Datum. Our white label dating script has been inspired by apps such as Tinder, Grindr, OkCupid, Match, Zoosk, etc & with few additional amazing features thrown in. WHY CHOOSE DATUM AS YOUR WHITE LABEL DATING APP? Having multiple accounts on different dating sites or apps can be too much to handle especially if you have a busy life but thankfully, there is one app out there that is perfect for anyone looking for interracial love. This app is called BlackWhite and it is an absolute gem. How does BlackWhite App Work. But to sing the praises of dating apps, the White House chose Mr. Slavitt as the face d’amour, and he introduced the news with all the enthusiasm of a driver’s ed instructor. SUBSCRIBE: Yearwood proposes that white people should have their own app for dating. Recorded at the amazing Top Secret Comedy.

Here's What a Party for Elite White iPhone Daters Looks Like

Have you heard of “The League”? It’s like Tinder, but for white people people who fancy themselves…

Never mind that The League, with its over $2 million in VC funding, used a photo of a bunch of people in a Depression-era breadline in a blog post about its own waiting list—

—right above an ad for a “preview party” at New York’s very expensive Jane Hotel. Forget all of that! You’ve got it all wrong. The League isn’t about dating elitism, it’s about being with people who are better than most other people. Just listen to Amanda, who posted her self-apologia on LinkedIn, The Platform of The People:

When I got an academic scholarship to Carnegie Mellon to study computer science, I never thought twice about how education and career would affect my dating life. I worked incredibly hard to graduate early and build my resume, network, and pedigree working in all-male teams at name-brand tech companies. After finishing it all off with an MBA, I started to realize that with every promotion or degree I collected, I embodied more and more the definition of ‘alpha female’.

Never mind that Bradford’s major was actually Information Systems, which is part of CMU’s school of humanities and social sciences. Never mind that caring and talking about one’s “pedigree” and then going to business school are two pastimes of the elite. Bradford is now reframing the purpose of The League as equality, not exclusion:

The League’s heavily scrutinized admissions-based model is our attempt to create a founding community of high-achieving, diverse, and influential members that will serve as trailblazers to help change the conventional gender views still prevalent in our society. Yes, we are selective - we believe in the research that correlates education and professional achievement with ambition, and weigh these data heavily in our screening algorithms. Though it’s currently a slow and far from a perfect admissions process, If we open the gates too wide and too fast, we risk becoming like every other dating app out there where the men judge women on their looks and the women struggle to find men who value their intelligence and support their ambition.

The argument here is that affluent people are less shallow than their poorer, dumber underlings. The truth of course is that everyone who uses online dating, app-based or otherwise, is terrible, desperate, and stupid—it is the great equalizer. The difference is that most CEOs don’t write a long, rambling essay on LinkedIn explaining it away as their alpha status (which seems sort of insecure for an alpha, to be honest). Bradford can use as many coded class indicators as she likes (“achievement” “success” “accomplished” “educated”), and deny that her app targets the Ivy League (sample copy from The League’s website: “You’ll never have to wonder if that Harvard hottie is too good to be true on The League.”). She can call herself whatever she wants, but it doesn’t change what she is: a white elitist, not a gender champion.

Whites Only Dating App Reviews


“I guess if you have to choose between superficial and elitist,” she told TechCrunch last year, “I choose elitist.” To Forbes, Bradford said “If you just let everybody in, it’s another dating app.” And if you let everybody in to the country club, it’s just another fucking tennis court. When Bloomberg Business is calling you an elitist, you just might be one.

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Whites Only Dating App Reviews

Whites Only Dating App

Selectivity is usually just a euphemism for being a prick or a bigot and not wanting to talk about it. Amanda Bradford isn’t a racist (although her app is the only one I’m aware of that allows you to filter out non-whites), but she seems tired of being called an elitist prick. A great way to avoid that? Don’t make The League.

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Photo not from the Great Depression: Travis W. Keyes

Whites only dating app reviews

Contact the author at biddle@gawker.com.
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